The house league Season is set to start mid April & will run until the end of June.
Days of Play will depend on registration numbers & will be sent out closer to the start date.
Please see below for age groups & house league fees:
U7 - (2019/2020) - $200 Early Bird ($220 after Feb. 1st)
U9 - (2017/2018) - $270 Early Bird ($300 after Feb. 1st)
U11 - (2015/2016) - $270 Early Bird ($300 after Feb. 1st)
U13 - (2013/2014) - $270 Early Bird ($300 after Feb. 1st)
U15 - (2011/2012) - $270 Early Bird ($300 after Feb. 1st)
U5 registration will open soon - please stay tuned for more information.
Please note there will be a $30 Admin fee for those who have registered and then wish to have a refund.
Please use this link to sign up.
NOTE: (If you are interested in REP Lacrosse please make sure you select the REP Registration button – a $30 Tryout fee has been attached to the registration).